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We've been doing a variety of software product development for a quite a while and, in aggregate, we've accomplished a great deal during that time.  For a distilled description of our current expertise, see: What is our expertise?

What makes us different?  

While we have acted in very senior leadership roles in small start-up companies that we have founded and for very large companies, we've remained truly hands-on technically throughout.  The reality of this allows us to work very effectively with both senior management or BODs, and with individual developers or teams equally well. 

Here is a sampling of some accomplishments we've achieved:


Founded Metolius Software, a small consulting and product development company.


All product development, marketing, support, and operations for the company


Founded Webridge, maker of a Microsoft technology-based extranet software product


Overall technical leadership for company:  designed and delivered 5 successful releases of a break-through extranet Web application product


Established and staffed Development (Engineering), Test, Technical Writing, Professional Services, London development center, and Training groups (well over 100 professionals hired)


Managed all technical relationships with Microsoft


At Sequent Computer Systems (now IBM) - maker of Unix and Windows NT SMP (Symmetrical Multi-Processing) Systems


Lead the Advanced Development Team


Lead all product line planning activities


Established and lead the Windows NT focused team


Established and lead the software QA activities for the Unix product line


Lead all communications software development teams


Key contributors to overall corporate strategic planning


Defined, established and lead the technical database (rdbms) partner program - the central driver of system sales


Lead the design/development teams for Intel's real time operating system development (iRMX)


Lead development efforts for system software at Synapse (fault-tolerant, SMP OLTP systems)


Lead system software development at major PBX manufacturer (ROLM)


Designed/developed system performance analysis products used on all Burroughs large-scale systems

Here is a sampling of some of the titles we've held over the years:

Founder, Webridge Inc.
Founder, Metolius Software Inc.
Principal Engineer, Metolius Software Inc.
Vice President, R&D, Webridge Inc.
Vice President, R&D, Advanced Competitive Strategies
Director, System Development, Webridge Inc.
President, Metolius Software Inc.
Sr. Manager, Product Line Planning, Sequent Computer Systems Inc.
Director, Enterprise Architecture Services, Sequent Computer Systems Inc.
Director, Windows NT Software, Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.
Principal Engineer, Client/Server products, Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.
Sr. Manager, OLTP Software, Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.
Manager, Operating Systems group, Synapse Computer Corporation
Member of Technical Staff, Languages & Operating Systems, Synapse Computer Corporation
Design Architect, TDM Telephony/Fault Tolerance, ROLM Corporation
Principal Engineer, Advanced Development, Sequent Computer Systems Inc.
Sr. Manager, Information Technology Product Development, Sequent Computer Systems Inc.
Development Group Leader, Development Tools, Applied Technology
Senior Manager, Distributed iRMX Development (real-time operating system), Intel Corp.
Senior Manager, System Software Development and Test, CXC Corp (distributed PBX)
Lead System Specialist, System Performance Analysis, Burroughs Corp. (now Unisys)

We're also happy to provide references from some of the most prominent leaders and developers in the area.

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